Tourism Authority of Kiribati

P.O Box 479, Takoronga, Betio, Tarawa. Republic of Kiribati

Waste Disposal Guideline

The following waste disposal guideline encourages best sustainable practices for safely managing COVID-19 health care waste.

COVID-19 health care waster refers to used PPEs such as tissues, disposable masks, gloves, and other disposal items used as personal protection gear against COVID-19 by an employee or guest.

Removal of PPE's

To minimize potential transmission through the COVID-19 health care waste, tourism operators must ensure that PPE’s are properly removed to reduce the risk of self-contamination. Operators must train staffs to carefully remove gloves, gowns, aprons, and other PPE’s to avoid contaminating the wearer and the surrounding area.

Disposal Bins/ Bag

Proper PPE waste disposal covered bins must be provided. Each bin must be lined with a plastic bag and must be used for disposing personal care items such as tissues, disposable masks, gloves, and other items contaminated with respiratory secretions or other body fluids.

Waste Collection

When the bin is ¾ full, “tie-off” the plastic bag to prevent spillage of the contents and dispose of the bag into the designated waste bin. All COVID-19 health care waste must be delivered to the designated COVID waste facility.

Personal Care

After handling and disposing of waste, hands must be washed using soap and water then dried with either a clean towel that is dedicated for personal use only or disposable paper towel. Alcohol-based hand sanitiser can be used if hands are not visibly soiled.

Water Disposal

“As an interim measure safely burying health care waste may be done until more sustainable measures can be put in place. Manual chemical disinfection of waste is not recommended, as it is not regarded as a reliable and efficient method”.